Formerly known as...

Hello there,

It's been such a long, long time since I've wrote anything down on my blog. Embarrassingly long. Sessions and moons have come and gone and I've been so caught up in shooting, editing, delivering that sitting down and reminiscing my shoots and putting words to them has yet again gone by the way side. :'( To all of the wonderful people and children I have not shed adequate light upon, know that I love you and it's not personal - I'm just terrible at consistency when it involves writing. Ask the hundreds of written in, but never finished notebooks I so love to buy and collect around my house.


As a clever facebook post once said. "Life always gives you second chances. It's called tomorrow." Lolol

So as many of you know or will know "Clicks n' pics Photography" has been my company name for longer than I've actually been a company. And for honesty's sake I arrived at that name because of a college assignment way back in 2011 and I've stuck with it ever since. I thought it was adorable and truth be told it still kind of is... But there lies the problem.

I'm no longer adorable.

I've grown in these last two years. I've adapted, I've learned lessons, I've progressed and I've continued on.

I needed a name that was professional, easily recognizable, and of course sounds good when it rolls off the tongue. And I chose...

"Wombs to Weddings Photography"

I love it because this has actually been a tagline I've used for years in my bios, but never considered rebranding my company with it until saying it out loud again just recently.

It showcases me, as the photographer I am - perfectly. It's not just a name but also a division. I do any and all portrait photography - All the time. Sometimes that's Maternity, sometimes it's families with littles and sometimes it's weddings. I've been trying to box myself into some specific category thinking it would make my work stronger (because that's what photographers tell you - you should do) and I never realized how embracing my variations by branding myself that way could help me.

I'm not a newborn photographer, or a wedding photographer, or a family photographer

I'm a lifestyle photographer; and I will photograph your baby's fresh 48, and I will be there for when they turn 1 to smash their birthday cakes and when they turn 16. When they get engaged and when they walk down the aisle.

Because I don't want to just be there for one part of their life, I want to capture them all.



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