The Fudge Family || Pine groves

Hello there,

This was the shortest and sweetest thing I've done in a minute! This lovely momma reached out to me to do some nice family portraits of her "big babies." And I had such a great time as always; We shot late in the day at one of my favorite places and just barely beat the rain. I adore all the love that poured out on momma in this first picture.

Fingers crossed Cohen stays as big as a mommas boy as he is now, so I too can have a picture of my big-little love like this someday. <3

Here are a few of my favorites.

Feel free to browse the rest and more work like it on my website here - It's slightly more adorable than it was last time you looked ;) Thanks to my mama bird logo!

And reach out to me to schedule a session of your own. I'm just a click awayyyy ;) here lololol



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